Friday 24 June 2016

Review: The Reality Bug (Pendragon #4)

Book 4: The Reality Bug


Welcome to the territory of technology!

And because of that, it’s deserted. (think MacHale is trying to tell us something?)

Anyways. Let’s back up a bit. Spader has gone back to Cloral after proving that he in unable to separate what must be done for Halla vs his plans for revenge. It hurt Bobby to do it, but he knew it was the right thing.

When Gunny and Bobby chase Saint Dane to Veelox, there is video footage that proves it was just a ruse. He actually went off to another territory called “Eelong”. Bobby decides to stay on Veelox, but sends Gunny off to follow SD and see what is going on.

For the first time since starting this crazy adventure, Bobby is alone. He finds the traveler, Aja Killian - which isn’t difficult as there is no one around (Remember how I said it was deserted?) - but Aja is not as friendly as the other travelers. She is smart, she is capable of handling this, why does she need Bobby?

and why is no one else around? 

One word: LifeLight.  

Lifelight is a virtual reality program that everyone would rather be in than participate in reality. The territory is slowly falling apart because of this.  Aja thinks she has a solution. Problem is, Saint Dane thinks he has one too.    

An action packed story that has the reader at the edge of the seat (not that we’ve left it since Press interrupted that kiss between Bobby and Courtney).   Full of curious incidents, an important story arch that leads the path to the rest of the series.  4/5 Stars! 

Hobbey Ho!

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