Monday, 22 May 2017

Review: A Court of Thorns and Roses SERIES

A Court of Thorns and Roses
A Court of Mist and Fury
A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J Maas

*Plot Spoilers as you go onto each book. Nothing major :)

Book 1: A Court of Thorns and Roses 

Feyre and her family have been poor ever since her father lost their wealth in some bad trading years ago. The bad deal resulted in her fathers injury, and since then Feyre has been the one to take charge of caring for the family. Not to mention she made a death-bed promise to her mother.

Feyre lives in a world that is divided by Mortal and Fae. This divide is by The Wall that runs through the woods where Feyre hunts.

When Feyre goes hunting and kills a wolf, she's unaware of the Fae Treaty that states she must pay for the life she took with her own. Because the wolf was Fae.

When a Beast comes to take her beyond The Wall to his home to live out her sentence, Feyre is unsure what lies ahead for her but all she is concerned with is getting home to her sisters.

Tamlin and his staff live in what is called the Spring Court.
They have also been under a spell (aka a curse) for the last 49 years and have been sentenced to wear masks over their faces, which are irremovable.

Tamlin quickly becomes protective over Feyre but it soon grows to love. When her life is threatened by the Evil one who cursed Tamlin and his court, Tamlin will do anything to save her.

But she will do anything to save him.

Even if it means going deep into Fae territory to save Tamlin and his court, knowing that she is a mere mortal and everyone is telling her to turn around.

The world building of this series is breathtaking. I was loosely aware it was a "Beauty and the Beast" type story arc, but once the history got explained, and I saw the story unfold between them - you cannot be anything but hooked.  Such a rich back-story and history to the characters and the land and it grows with each page.

The characters themselves vary for me. I love the Fae (who doesn't love a good Fae story) but Feyre is wishy-washy for me. She seems strong at one point, and weak the next. Not for what she goes through, but just in her emotions.

Either way, a powerful beginning.

Book 2: A Court of Mist and Fury

Feyre survived.

She rescued Tamlin, she faced Amarantha.
She died.
and came back.

Now that she and Tamlin are back in the Spring Court, the curse broken and engaged to be married, life can go on.

However, Feyre is struggling with the Change that happened to her while she was in Amarantha's lair.
and no one wants to help her with it.

On the day of her wedding, she knows she is not ready to go through with it and with the help of her panic attack, the deal she made with Rhysand while she was imprisoned is now due.

One week with him, in the Night Court, every month.

Tamlin is furious with him (weren't we all?) but a deal is a deal, and a bond like that cannot be broken so Feyre is whisked away to be everything and anything Rhys wants for one whole week.

This continues for a few months.

The struggle Feyre is going through to become herself again continues to get worse and worse as Tamlin continues to be blind to it. In his effort to save her, he ends up ruining her ... to the point where she begs to be saved.

Rhys obliges.

Feyre is now living in the Night Court, with a note sent back to Tamlin to back off.

Feyre makes friends with Rhys' inner circle of comrades, and even joins them in their plans for the impending war. But first, they have a task they must accomplish. A task that involves the Prison, a cauldon, and Feyre's sisters.

A task that Tamlin is working on as well, but not for the same reason.

THAT ENDING WAS SO #$(@(!% THAT I THREW MY BOOK! I could not believe the events that kept unfolding as I devoured this one in a matter of hours one morning. Maas just keeps the hits coming and coming until there is nothing left of us readers. THE FEELS, OMG!

The more I read about this world, the more I want to crawl into it.
I mumbled to my husband that he needs a pair of wings and he thought I meant that's what I wanted for dinner that night. Little does he know ... *fangirl sigh*

The characters deepen in this one. Feyre is still on the fence with me, and I want to hate Rhys and love Tamlin but ... they are both making this very difficult. Just .. I ... UGH!

Honestly, all you want is more more more.
*fangirling for days*

Why I put this series off for so long I'll never understand.
but I am not sure I could have handled waiting in between for each book.
my goodness those endings ...

and all that sexytime in the middle; hello hotness (no wonder Rhys' temporary last name is HotPants); ou lala #wingspan


Book 3: A Court of Wings and Ruin

To save her friends, and her sisters, and everything she holds dear, Feyre becomes quite the actress.
She is back in Tamlin's court in hopes of finding out his plans to send back to the Night Court.

Her Court.

Hybern's war is getting closer and closer. With the help of the Cauldron, he has become the most powerful force the Courts have ever faced. But is their combined strength enough to save the Fey and Human world from total destruction? Only time will tell.

The last half of this book is really all war.
Lots of blood shed.
Lots of loss.


We get some character back-stories and honest confessions as we go through the trials this group faces. (Some are more shocking than others. Some make perfect sense. Some are just plain MEAN!)

I cannot get too into the plot without spoilers galore so ... I'll stop with that. Trust in Maas; she does not let us fans down with these characters and the events.

and thankfully, this isn't the end of this wonderful world.

I want Tamlin and Lucien's perspective on the story though. Hopefully we'll get novellas (that turn into full-on installments cough cough, wink wink) about these characters too.

Feyre's character finally worked me over on this one. She was much more strong than she was in the first two books (not that she wasn't strong for surviving, but she was a bit flaky in the beginning for me).

Overall, an AMAZING series. There are really no words for how much I loved it. I saw everyone excited over ACOWAR and so I jumped on the bandwagon that week (bought all 3 a few days after it came out, and the series was devoured by the following weekend) and I'm so very glad I did - so thank you to everyone on Twitter who was fangirling about it. Without you, I doubt I would have picked it up. and I would have missed out on one fantastic adventure.


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