Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Throwback shelfies!

So, I was digging through an old laptop (after the lesson learned of backing up my files) and I found old shelfie pics

Which made my lil heart happy.

so I thought I'd share some of 'em and see how my collection has grown since I was a wee' teenager.

This is the earliest pic I could find


Why on earth there is so much nonsense on my shelves I have no idea! (the fact that there is space is astounding to me. Look at all those VHS' and CDs!)

This is ... 2007 so I am 17.
That is 10 years ago.
Top row is VC Andrews (who always gets her own shelf)
Then we have R.L Stine. and FOUR norma klein. FOUR?! what on earth is this nonsense?!Then there are a bunch of classics (which I end up getting rid of, and now I am buying again. stupid me.)
and THE BOXCAR CHILDREN! oh how i love them.
but i think i got rid of them too a few years ago... sad.
then I have series. and then non series.

Very similar to the photo before and this is just a few months later (i can tell by the pics that on there)
but I have now added Harry Potter and Pendragon which are staples in my favourites list now. plus a "vampire" section has been added. oh dear. 


This is Fall of '08.
it has significantly grown.
and the shelves are beginning to warp.
Prom photos are everywhere too...
Norma Klein has grown, thank goodness.
so has everything else.
and this is the year my obsession with fandom-related ornaments started. my first Harry Potter and gone with the wind ones from hallmark can be seen. Go me! (now the collection is behind glass doors with all my other breakables)
and so now I am just beginning College... sigh.

Blurry nonsense but this is a year or so later.
Cleaned up and even did a paint job.
 many of these books I still have around ...

AND NOW - 8ish years and not living at my parents later - MY SHELVES LOOK LIKE THIS:

However, a box-full are missing bc my mother is reading them.
and they are double layered (which drives me BANANAS because I cannot admire all their beauty at once but... space, y'know)

but it has grown considerably. and very little "stuff" is on them -again, make room for the books!
So the white shelf is all my "series" (plus some scrapbooking stuff because my twin of this one is my business and crafts stuff is overflowing with weight)
and the black shelf (which I have a twin of and it is slowly being taken over...) is my specific authors such as R.L stine and VC Andrews, and my non-series/classics/bios/random ones I am unsure where they belong yet I must take care of. 

so that is my shelfie history lesson!
I haven't done a count in a ver-ver long time
they are all written down in a notebook
of which i keep track of my "read" lists for the year
and my collection...
so counting is a possibility.



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