Friday, 10 March 2017

Ultimate Booktag

These tags are super fun!
and it's a nice break from just rambling about a specific book and why I loved it.


So here we go!

I found this while blog hopping, link is at the bottom. 

The Ultimate Book Tag

1. Do you get sick while reading in the car?
Only if the AC is on. but I constantly read in the car - unless hubby makes me drive.
No thanks, audiobooks.

2. Which author’s writing style is completely unique to you and why?
Louise Rennison (may she rest in peace) was one - she had this way of making you feeling like a kid again in her writing. Also, friends and I would adopt the lingo - since we're Canadian and not British - and would make it our own.
3. Harry Potter Series or the Twilight Saga? Give 3 points to defend your answer.
I do love both, but Harry Potter has more depth so imma go with that.
Reason 1. It has wizards.
reason 2. there are amazing sass quotes.
reason 3. the fandom will live forever.

4. Do you carry a book bag? If so, what is it in (besides books…)?
Well, i have bags that hold my books... but no "book bag". unless you count my work bag? like, a laptop bag. but then, thats not a book bag is it.
my purse is always big enough for a book. or 2.
currently "beauty and the beast: lost in a book" is in it 
5. Do you smell your books?
... yes.
don't we all? 
 6. Books with or without little illustrations?
i don't mind them if they are done right.
but they better not be off topic. or distract from the story.

7. What book did you love while reading but discovered later it wasn’t quality writing? (Ex. I read Twilight before I read HP and thought the writing was amazing but read HP and now think Twilight is a little bit of a joke.)
I don't think of writing like this ... so I have no idea.

8. Do you have any funny stories involving books from your childhood? Please share!

I was 13 when I really got *into* reading. I fell in love with R.L Stine, Norma Kline and VC Andrews that summer (amongst others, but those were the 3 biggies) and me and the 'rents hit up the flea markets and second-hand stores every weekend trying to catch 'em all.
Well, I also needed a new bed that summer.

Now, my mother and I agree on nothing. We cannot cook together, we cannot clean together, we cannot do laundry, or shop the same. as much as i "am my mother's daughter" we are very different. and I personally like sleeping with the mattress on the floor (better support for my back) whereas my mother finds it ridiculous. So, that summer, as we were down to the last few books for VC Andrews (as of then) for collecting, 1 of them had to be ordered.

and she bribed me with ordering a book for me, only if she could buy me a bedframe to go with it.
then she made me pay for half the bedframe.

For some reason, that story always stuck with me. Nowadays, hubby is the one helping me track down books. Mom will still buy me them, but she has given up with hunting them down - It's the big box stores with her, and the secret stores and websites for me.

9. What is the thinnest book on your shelf?
I believe Blubber by Judy Blume

10. What is the thickest book on your shelf?
... Gone with the Wind? or one of the Jean Auel Books ...

11. Do you write as well as read? Do you see yourself in the future as being an author?
I have stories in my head, but I can't bring myself to start writing.
I want to... but who knows.
I don't think any true reader doesn't have some kinda story of their own.

12. When did you get into reading?
I've been reading my whole life. My parents read to me and my brother as children. We were always given books (mostly disney stuff and kid stuff) and whenever I complained I was bored, I was told "go read a book". So I did.

but it was around grade 6, when I met my then-best friend that I really got into it. Her and I were constantly reading and hitting up libraries, garage sales, anywhere really...
the summer i turned 13 I went full on nerd-mode (when I found V.C. Andrews) and never looked back. I still read her to this day but her ghost writer's quality has severely decreased.

13. What is your favorite classic book?
The Wind in the Willows, by far. Something about the characters and the setting just ... I love it.
but Gone with the Wind is another.
and Wuthering Heights.

14. In school was your best subject Language Arts/English?
Always has been English. Nothing else ever made sense. and I am not athletic. or artistic. and have a bad memory. and suck with numbers.
Creative Writing was fun in high school.
so was Drama class.
15. If you were given a book as a present that you had read before and hated…what would you do?
Depends who gave it.
If I know it's from Chapters (Barnes and Noble equivalent in Canada) then I'd just take it back myself.
If they wrote a note in it or something (the beasts!) then i'd keep it for sentimental purposes.
If it's second hand or they bought it somewhere I cannot return it, I'd sell it to a used book store and get credit for it and get something i liked. no one ever sees my shelves. and since i already read it, i could tell them about it so ha!

16. What is a lesser known series that you know of that is similar to Harry Potter or the Hunger Games?
harry potter = Pendragon. I tell EVERYONE about this AMAZING series. honestly, i cannot brag about it enough. how it didn't get more of a following is BEYOND me. like, to infinity and beyond.
It got recommended to me by some dude in high school - who saw me reading HP and was like "nah yo, it's all about pendragon for me" <- yes he talked like that. but he was was cute so sh.
and so i went out and bought the first 4 .. or 5. and then I was hooked. OMG ITS AMAZING. if you even *like* HP, you'll love it.

Like the Hunger Games... uhmm...  *crickets*

17. What is a bad habit you always do (besides rambling) while filming?
I don't film my rambles. I've thought about it... but.... no.

18. What is your favorite word?
oop-a-la; I say it to my nephew all the time.
habibi - arabic for "my love"
I'm sure there are more...

19. Are you a nerd, dork, or dweeb? Or all of the above?
 Proud Nerd.

20. Vampires or Fairies? Why?
As long as Tinkerbell is not one of them, then I choose both.

21. Shapeshifters or Angels? Why?
..hmm... I think Angels.

22. Spirits or Werewolves? Why?
werewolves all the way.

23. Zombies or Vampires?
vamps. HATE zombies.

 24. Love Triangle or Forbidden Love?
Forbidden love is usually more juicy... but some love triangles are sweet.

25. AND FINALLY: Full on romance books or action-packed with a few love scenes mixed in?
Define action packed? I like a little drama, but I don't like too much action and fighting and stuff like that. Take game of thrones for example. Too much action for me, and the books are hard to get through. Same with LOTR. I need a light amount of action, and a decent amount of non-action, with some romance. 

TA DA! That was fun. 

As Seen On: 

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