Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Review: The End of Oz (Dorothy Must die 4)

  The End of Oz
 Dorothy Must Die - Book 4
 Danielle Paige

The stunning fourth installment of this series brings readers back to the flying Road of Yellow Gold that is transporting Nox, Amy and new-to-the-gang (and Oz) Madison off to who know's where.

Well, the Road knows where, which is lucky for our trio.

We are taken to Ev. Outside of the Land of Oz, and to the home of the the Nome King.
Also, where a mysterious - and deadly - Princess lives. (oh look, another one)

Since Dorothy is dead, the group's main goal is to figure out why exactly they were sent here.

For the first time in this series, we see a dual perspective.
and who deserves it more (according to her, of course) than Dorothy.

If I may be so brash as to quote her, she's not dead bitches.

She has in fact been saved by the Nome King, and he plans to have them wedded in order to join their kingdoms and live happily ever after.

If Nox, Amy and their new Princess friend have anything to say, that won't be happening.
Not only do they need to stop the wedding, but they now must kill both the Bride and Groom.

Dearly beloved...

What a wild ride this was! I was unable to put this down (after being brave enough to pick it up) and I am sad but happy. I'm sappy. In both meanings of that because it was a *Perfect* ending - if you can call it that. So many emotions go through you as you are reading, and once you finish that last page - you aren't sure whether to laugh or cry... but you definitely will be begging for more.

However, I was personally surprised how short this installment was. Slightly disappointed we didn't get more of what was going on back in Oz.

Nox and Amy's story is still the shining hope through all the bad that is happening around them.
We see more of Nox's softer side as he finally learns to open up. (P.S That trailer park scene was pure Nox the romantic. If you don't love him, you're wrong.)  I wish we saw the story from his POV but, c'est la vie.

Oz and Kansas are saved.
For now.
So, there's the silver lining. Or boot.

Paige's writing never ceases to capture my heart. I am so glad she fell in love with this world when she was 5 and made it her own. These characters stay with you long after you have put them on the shelf for the rest they deserve.

Just goes to show you how powerful a pair of shoes can really be for a girl.

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