this month went by so quick
yet i got so much done
so. much. reading!
- gates of paradise
- desolations of devils acre
- submissive trilogy
- percy jackson series
- april shadows
- kiss quotient
- shiver trilogy
- how the king of elfham learned to hate stories
- evil thing: cruella devil
- dead to you
- honey-dont list
how did i read 19 books?!
keepin up this roll for may
fingers crossed.
45 for the year so far
i think i want a goal of 100

keepin it small, like usual
just in case i jinx myself
- truthwitch series
- color purple
- blubber
- midnight sun
- fear street: the beginning trilogy
- breathless
i have a few on hold at the library but
they're on a looongg list of people
before me
so who knows what will pop up
life with a newborn means my days are pretty routine ... and it's not like we can go anywhere or do anything. life as a mom these days is tough, and very lonely. if work would pick up, i'd at least feel like im doing something productive but i have no control. and no means to get a second job right now so hmph.
i did a lot of work around the house this month as far as decory stuff. which makes it feel more like home.
i also catalogued my 800+ books while baby napped and reorganized my bookshelves. no one else but me notices a difference but they look sooo much better now *grins*
nothing else is new. the weather is nicer so trying to get out for family walks a couple times a week ... im so glad the winter is over. going to work on my garden in the next few weeks
and maybe some painting *wiggles eyebrows*
stay safe and smart out there everyone
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