Wednesday, 1 April 2020

march madness

welp. this month is FINALLY over. 
because this was a ridiculous time for the world.
in both good and bad ways. 

but honestly, yes I was more careful
but i didn't freak out like many people did 

with everything being cancelled 
i got to stay home 
and read 
which, lets be honest, work was taking up too much time anyways 

i got sick with a yearly cold 
so my reading wasn't as great as the past few months 
which is fine by me 
but i managed to get these beauties read: 

- ruthless
- girls made of glass and snow 
- fix her up 
- into the woods
- daughter of smoke and bone
- red hood 
- unexpected reality 
- a heart so fierce and broken 
- unexpected odds (arc) 
- straight on till morning
- tweet cute 
- midnight at the electric
- harry potter & philosopher's stone
- down and across
- knife of never letting go 
- crazy rich asians
- the ask & the answer 
- subtle art of not giving a fuck 

plus i'm in the middle of an ebook and little women. 
so overall, 19 done. 

putting me at 70/200 for the year 
yay ! 

as long as i don't get sick again
i should be able to read 

- monsters of men 
- is it just me 
- MMPR: pink (graphic novel) 
- ghost spider (GN) 
- spider gwen collection (GN)
- someday, someday, maybe 
- days of blood and starlight 
- stain 
- land of stories V2 
- kingdom hearts
- satisfaction / revenge 
- the library of lost and found 
- suggested reading 

 i've noticed that since manfriend is living with me during this nonsense 
that i've been reading less
and playing more mario party 
so we will see ! 

i also wana do camp NaNo ... but my motivation is not there to keep to a schedule. who knows. my mom keeps bugging me to edit my 2017 NaNo book and it's been in my head lately so there's a good chance i get to it.  fingers crossed. (anyone else doing it? i want a good cabin!) 

other than that, nothing really is going on. work getting cancelled was not fun (for anyone) because it gave me an excuse to get out of the house. sigh. my life is really boring. 

i also want to be crocheting but i don't have a project and i hate making things just for the sake of it. it's fun having a reason to make it, y'know.  if anyone wants a blanket or scarf, let me know! 

april is going to be quiet, which is fine. hopefully those who celebrate easter will be able to use technology to do it (i'm just in it for the chocolate) 

i hope you're all being safe and using your best judgement (or ask someone in a different house for a second opinion) on how to take care of yourself and your family in this difficult time. 

- A

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