Friday, 12 January 2018

Review: Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

 The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer
 Michelle Hodkin

So apparently there are a lot of people who hate this book but HOW is that possible? Teen angst, murder everywhere, hot boys with accents, and snobby rich kids. What's not to love?

When Mara wakes up from a coma, she finds out she is the only survivor of a deadly accident that has left her friendless. and single.

To help deal with her PTSD, her family moves to a different state where she starts at a new school.

In walks Noah Shaw.
this boy is basically sex on a stick
with an accent.

Now, the two start dating much to the disbelief of the only friend Mara has made, Jamie, but he ends up being kicked out of the book mid way through which was just rude. He added to the sarcasm and the fun, but all of the sudden he was just gone. He didn't even find an owl to send her a message - what is going on here, folks?

When Mara begins to piece together what happened to her that infamous night, with Noah's help, the two realize that they are more connected than they realize

but it all comes crashing down in front of them very quickly and we are left with a HUGE cliffhanger which has us all rushing to grab book two.

For a series that has a split review average, I found I liked it. It has a creep factor but since all 3 books (and now that Noah has his own series) are out, I am not too worried about cliffhangers and the "what-if" because everything is a bookshelf away.

5/5 for this one; can't wait to see what happens next

(kind of annoyed I waited so long to read this. It was given as a wedding gift from my boss - darn TBR kept pushing it down and down)

and extra points for these gorgeous covers *swoon*

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