Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Review: The Wrath and the Dawn

The Wrath and the Dawn
The Wrath and the Dawn Book 1
Renee Ahdieh

I wasn't sure what to expect when I ventured into this world but I was pleasantly surprised how quickly I fell in love with the setting, the characters and the mystery.

When Shahrzad (a.ka. Shazi) volunteers to marry the Caliph (the King), Khalid, even though he murders every one of his brides the dawn after they are married, she does so with the intent of playing a game.

What she doesn't expect is a man who is not the villain she was made to believe he was. Yes, there is a danger there, and yes, he murdered her best friend... but there is something more and she must get to the bottom of it before her Dawn comes.

This book takes your heart out of your chest every chapter and just throws it up in the air and shoots it with a bow and arrow.

and it never misses.

The intensity of the relationships that form is incredible. All you want to do is keep turning the pages (unfortunately they stop and I was left a crying mess while at work in between appointments. Thanks for that) and luckily I have book 2 The Rose and the Dagger all ready to go, but there are also some novellas I need to find as well.

It is a retelling of A thousand and One Nights / Arabian Nights ... which gave me no indication of what the story would be because I've never read them BUT I WANT TO!

Shazi and Khalid are not without their share of problems. For one, they both are supposed to kill each other. Which clearly doesn't happen but the HOW is just jaw-dropping. With players on either side both for and against each of them, it is a fast paced story with twists that you barely see coming (unless you're familiar with A thousand and One nights - then maybe you are. Actually, that title is starting to make more sense now that I think about it ...)

Seriously, if you are one for assassins and love stories and OMG moments, pick this series up and fall in love with falling in love.

and gorgeous covers.

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