I was tagged by Emily @ thatweirdgirllife.blogspot.ca to do a bloggers tag!
Which involves answering 11 random questions that she's asking, and then I'll ask 11 and tag some people :)
Official Rules:
1. Answer the 11 questions that your nominator has asked you.
2. Nominate 11 other bloggers (with under 200 followers)
3. Ask your nominees 11 questions.
4. Let them know that you have nominated them!
Alright, here we go!
1. When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I had a few ambitions; maid, marine biologist, actor... but ended up as a Sign language Interpreter. which is a job i love to the point that even if I won the lottery and never had to work again, I'd still do it.
2. What time of day do you do your blogging? Do you usually work in the daytime or are you a night owl?
Depends on when the mood strikes. Sometimes I wake up and spend a few hours doing prep, sometimes I come home from a day of work and write for a few hours.
3. If you could only eat one candy or chocolate for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Hmm. This is a difficult one. Chocolate bar would be Twix I think. Candy is probably lollipops. Orange flavour.
4. What is your go to movie to watch when you're feeling sad or upset?
The original Willy Wonka. Or the animated Beauty and the Beast.
5. Has there been a book that has changed your life?
Many have had an impact, for sure. As far as made me change my beliefs or some aspect about my life, nope.
6. Which Disney movie scared you the most as a kid?
Ironically, Beauty and the Beast haha. Now I can't get enough of it (both versions).
7. What is the hardest thing for you about blogging?
Coming up with ideas, besides reviews. and being consistent. The month of june was spent reading and real-life work and I don't think I posted a single thing... oops.
8. If you had to recommend one musician/band that everyone should listen to, who would it be?
The Spill Canvas. Esp their 'one fell swoop' CD. *swoon*
9. If you could sit down and chat with any fictional character (from a book, movie. or TV) who would it be? And what would you talk about?
Oh gosh. uhm... Magnus Bane, but he'd have to be willing to open up because I want to hear his stories. and Rhett Butler for the same reason. and Rhys - I don't care what we talk about, I just wana stare at him.
and All the girls from the Lunar Chronicles. I just wana be their friend :(
and Arya.
10. What is something that no matter what, always makes you laugh?
and Friends.
and Calvin and Hobbes. (oh, add Calvin to #9)
and my neices and nephew <3
11. And if you had to pick: cake or pie?
CAKE. always. but, good cake. some cake is just gross.
major sweet tooth for pastries.
SO FUN! Thanks Emily!
MY 11:
1. What book character would you like to switch places with?
2. Did you have any childhood friends? Names, occupations?
3. What's your fave Disney Song?
4. Tin Man, Scarecrow, or the Lion?
5. What are your goals with your blog?
6. Do you have any other hobbies?
7. Can you read in the car?
8. Do you collect different editions/languages/covers etc of books?
9. What's on your desk?
10. What's one of your idiosyncrasies ?
11. Do you collect anything non-book related?
Can't wait to read everyone's answers!
Thanks so much for doing the tag!! I loved reading all of your answers. And I'm so glad someone else appreciates the hilarious genius of Calvin and Hobbes too! And you came up with some great questions! (I myself have always been fond of the Scarecrow, myself 😊)