I didn't get a lot of time to read, unfortunately, *grumble grumble* but I had a little bit of time to think about books that deal with Travel. Growing up I didn't travel a lot, and since I met my (now) husband, all my travelling - except this past work trip - has been with him.
This was also my first time on an airplane (I know, right!), and with strangers nonetheless, so it was definitely an interesting trip.
On to the books!
p.s this is a general tag of travel. I'm going to ramble about my favourite book-based places that had me traveling.
Middle Earth
The Hobbit is one of my favourite stories. I have yet to attempt reading the rest of the series, but we had to read The Hobbit for school in grade 8 and I fell in love with it. I've reread it once or twice since then and this is one of those fabulous stories that teaches you 'it's about the journey, not the destination'. It's also shows that it's important you travel with a good group of ... I was going to say "people" but any creature will work really.
'Eat Pray Love'
This story takes us all over. We start in Europe, where Elizabeth finds herself in Italy and begins her journey with her stomach. All the delicious food she describes makes me proud to be from an Italian background.
Next, we travel to India, where she begins her spiritual journey. We follow her then to Indonesia where she finds love.
All three countries are described with such passion and motivation to change her life that it does impact your life... even a little bit.
Next, we travel to India, where she begins her spiritual journey. We follow her then to Indonesia where she finds love.
All three countries are described with such passion and motivation to change her life that it does impact your life... even a little bit.
Whether it's Alice, or a spinoff (like the Splintered series by A.G Howard - just fantastic) any trip down the rabbit hole is a fantastic ride. Wonderland is filled with such fantastic creatures who encapture both the light and dark of the land they inhabit.
The Territories of Halla
The Pendragon series by D.J MacHale is one of my top 5 series ever (and is tied with Harry Potter in my eyes) Here we have a kid who is destined to save more than just the universe (Halla is everything. So, it's the universe and beyond) and to do so, he must travel to 10 different "territories" or worlds and stop them from tipping the balance of their way of live toward evil. The territories that MacHale has created are absolutely breathtaking.
The great thing about this series is that it's so diverse - the characters and the places they come from are as different as night and day. but on mars. (mars isn't one of them but we do go to a desert that is in a drought so it's pretty hot). If you don't like books that keep you in one place, and you love being on the edge of your seat as you race through time and space, then Hobey Ho, grab these books.
*on a side note, i always tell people that if you even *like* the harry potter series, you'll love these books. they have a similar structure, and there's magic and backstories and all that jazz too. i never can choose between the two which one i love more*
I read the kid version of this when I was ... well... a young teenager. Maybe 13? but I grew up watching the movie (I know, the book is always better) and I love the different cities that Gulliver finds himself in.
From Lilliput to Brobdingnag to Laputa to England, this book has it all. Unique characters, unique lives they lead, and the Englishman's perspective on it will have you loving every second.
Note to self: get the adult version.
This series is one that pulls at my heart. From Eragon to Brisingr we see so much of this beautiful land and all that it holds. Paolini's imagination is as creative and in depth as that of which we find in middle earth (now I haven't done any research here, so it's possible I am missing some fan-based key points so my apologies) but once you enter this world, you never want to leave. Eragon's adventure, through his eyes and his dragon's, is a breathtaking one that has so much raw beauty and truth to it.
Writing this is making me want to reread it ... *peeks over at the rainbow spines sitting on my shelf*
Common book 5!!
Oh, and if you've only watched the movie, wash out your eyes and go read the book.
Alrighty lovies, that's pretty much it for books that have taken me on travels through different worlds, or different parts of their world, through their pages...Well, that I've actually read ... *glances cautiously over to my TBR pile hoping it doesn't notice*
Of course, I've travelled in a lot of different places through the pages I read, but it's mostly one place per series. The books above actually have a journey aspect.
Did I miss any good ones? Let me know and I'll stack the pile some more ;)
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