Tuesday, 27 December 2016

It's not the end... only the beginning

Hello lovelies! 

2016 has been quite the year :) 

I've been blogging on my sister site for about 2 years now, and I was getting tired of reading a lot of ...well, stuff that wasn't so great.

Not to say that I didn't find a few gems, because I did. 

But I wanted to read my personal TBR pile too and talk about those too. So I did. 
This past summer I started my own lil blog here, and it's been going alright for the past 6 months. 

My first few posts were books that I didn't even need to reread I knew so well, such as Harry Potter and Pendragon but I wanted them out of my head and onto my blog. As the year went on, I found more and more series that I fell in love with through books that were sitting on my shelves (for AGES) and some were new recommendations. 


- Lunar Chronicles - I had Cinder, Scarlet,& Cress for so long but when I finally picked them up I kicked myself for having waiting for long. However, if I had read them when I bought them I'd have been waiting for the sequels. So really... what's worse? 

- Iron Fey - I don't remember who or how I found out about this series, but I went out and bought the whole series... which took a while because no store had *all* of them, so I drove around Ontario hitting all the stores until I found them all - and in decent condition. Kagawa's world drew me in and I never wanted to leave. 

- my Maddox boys... *swoon* McGuire's Maddox boys will never cease to amaze me. I've had a few that I found locally, and reread them quite a bit, but then I got the rest of them and Beautiful Funeral came out... Needless to say, I'm STILL crying. 

- Splintered - this creepy twist on Alice in Wonderland kept me up at night. I read the first two last year, but the final one came out in paperback this year (and the novella collection, but I caved and got that in HC) and I devoured them. This one left me in feels for days as well. 

That's about it for "series" - there were a lot of single books that I loved, such as Me Before You, Scrappy little Nobody, HP and the Cursed Child (IT'S CANON! Deal with it),  and Holding up the Universe that all made my year a fantastic one as far as books go. I lot of rereads happened with V.C. Andrews books, as I co-run a facebook fan page for her. 

As of right this moment, I've read 91 personal books, and 87 books for my sister site.

178 books with 5 days left in the year isn't too shabby, if I do say so myself. 

(To compare, 2015 personal books were 42, and TDC Book Reviews was about 12 or 13 - when I only did 1/month)

For those wondering how the heck I know this, I keep a "Book notebook" - what I have on my shelves, what I want, what I've read etc. Can you say "Nerd"? I'm so proud of it though.

2017 Goals

Number wise, who knows what'll happen. Life is always changing. 

Personal Book goals: 

- Red Queen series - I've read Red Queen but couldn't get into Glass Sword at the time. So I'll give it another go, especially with King's Cage coming out soon. 

- Dorothy Must Die series - I've been reading this all the way along, but the final one comes out in March so *squeee* It's time for a series reread. 

- With Netflix making their own Series of Unfortunate Events I'm going to do the reread challenge once this blog is all written up. I read them years ago when I got them and loved them, so they'll be nice easy reads to wrap up 2016 and open up 2017.  

- R.L Stine has a few new Fear Street books that I recently bought that I'd like to catch up on. He's so amazing. 

- I'd like to reread The Mortal Instruments. I got Lady Midnight earlier this year, but have yet to read it. (I KNOW, I KNOW!) but it deserves the time and commitment.... and it's just an excuse to reread that whole fantastic series again. 

- I don't feel like I've read enough "Classics" so some of those on my list, like A Christmas Carol, Adventures of Huck Finn, Scarlet Letter... Make me feel like a more "well-rounded" reader, ya'know?                                                               

Yesterday was Boxing Day here in Canada (USA Black Friday equivalent, but black friday is usually better deals...) and I went a bit crazy ordering books online. 16 new ones ordered, plus I ordered 9 last week, so that should keep me busy for a month or so *big nerdy grin*

As far as my blog goes, I'll keep doing what I'm doing. I'm always open to new opportunities, but ARCs and the like go through my sister site: http://www.tdcbookreviews.com/  
Come check us out and submit a request for reviews/ARCs there if you wish. I go by "Canadian Rebel" over there. 

I've made some fun contacts through doing this, and I'm hopeful for a fun, book-filled 2017. 


a sample shot of my book notebook and my TBR/want lists in colour format :)

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