Thursday, 11 August 2016

Review: The Pilgrims of Rayne (Pendragon #8)

Pilgrams of Rayne
Pendragon #8
D.J MacHale


With the death of his parents, Mark can't handle his reality anymore. With Andy Mitchell at his side, and Forge in his pocket, the two set off to change the past, the present... and the future.

Bobby sends Courtney off to stop him. Only she can do it, as Bobby must continue to follow Saint Dane. This time it's to the island of Ibara.

Ibara also holds the secret of "Challenger yellow", who Nevva informed Bobby was the Traveler from there.  His son, Siry, is now the one Bobby must track down and befriend. Problem is that Siry never believed his father, and has his own beliefs he must fight for.

Bobby enters a world unlike any other. On the island of Ibara, there is order, there is routine, there is tradition. Being an outside, no one will tell him much. He becomes a outlaw, in order to be with the "in"crowd with Siry and his friends and learn the ins and outs of the territory. What he learns, is one of the most shocking twists of the series.

Meanwhile, back on first/second earth, Courtney and Dodger (Gunny's acolyte) are hunting down Mark in order to stop him from changing history. This is more difficult than it seems. Saint Dane has worked his brainwashing on Mark, and Mark is determined to be happy with his parents. Unfortunately, he has been out of the "What's going on with Bobby" loop for so long, he only has half the story.

A non-stop adventure, that takes you all over Halla. New friends and old friends come together to figure out what is right, what is wrong, and what must be done to save everything that the gang loves. Timing is everything in this one... and the clock is ticking.

Bobby makes a big decision at the end of this one that changes the game. The rules and the "how" time and space work together are still fuzzy and confusing.... but MacHale does a wonderful job of keeping the readers on their toes as they flume around the universe.

Hobbey Ho,

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