Tuesday, 7 December 2021

november rain turns to snow

another month of nonsence

the days are going fast with work and jugglin a 8 month old


i only read 8 .. mostly library books .. 

but i'm okay with it 

not the best month 


- anna and the french kiss
- going backwards 
- the ex hex
- isla and the happily ever after
- gilded cage
- lola and the boy next door
- where theres a whisk 

138 for the year, so far.
i'm over 100 so i'm happy 

Nov and Dec share a TBR pile 
but i've yet to touch it ... 

- witchshadow 
- 3 ARCs (via netgalley) 
- vespertine 
- crescent city 
- once upon a broken heart 
- curse so dark and lonely trilogy 

but we shall see ! 

my crocheting has taken over my motivation lately. i'm trying to do a bunch of things so i can open my etsy for it, and build up some stock. christmas is also next month so theres a few things i'll need to do for that ... plus some travel which sucks. 
work slows down mid december so that'll help. 
plus manfriend is going back to paternal leave for 3 months and 'm SO excited. 
i didn't get to NaNo this month, which was frustrating, but it's just not a priority... even though its nagging on my thoughts. 
taking it day by day these days. i'm alright with it ... hopefully the new year brings some new schedules and a boost in motivation. 

stay safe everyone!