Monday, 11 February 2019

the whirl of january

january was so long. 
and yet nothing happened. 
weird how that works.

decent start off to the year 

- pendragon: reality bug 
- pendragon: black water 
- pendragon: rivers of zadda
- pendragon: quillan games 
- bad romance 
- wicked king 
- language of thorns 
- welcome to sugartown  
- stanton book 3 
- alpha 

10/150 so far is not to shabby ... for now ;) 

- pendragon 8 - 10 
- Harry Potter series (though they're a reread) 
- Midsummer tights dream 
 - taming of the tights 

and whatever else I happen to pick up along the way. 
My crocheting projects have come a long way ; they're so much fun in the winter with keeping me warm. but it's difficult to read and crochet at the same time. 
i really need to find that book holder my brother bought me for christmas. hmm. 

life is pretty fun these days. work is crazy, like always, and this summer may get interesting... but otherwise, i have my routine during the week and i spend my weekends with the manfriend. he's pretty awesome. and he reads so we go book shopping a lot, and then come home and read together. or, i'll read and he'll watch wrestling or play a video game. either way! no complaints. it's nice being happy again with something to look forward to every week. 
plus we go see my nieces/nephew all the time which is fantastic because i really love watching them grow up. as crazy as they are. but they really like him and it's super cute when they cuddle up with him. or when they ask me about him when he's not around. 

looking forward to february ; "reading week" happens at the end of the month and i have a friend coming to visit for a few days. haven't seen him in a few months so i can't wait for all the girl gossip to catch up on together.